Long Term Objective


To establish an organization that could play active role in the development of sustainable and environmentally healthy, climate smart agriculture, livestock, forest and water management systems. The main areas of operation will be :


1) Production and promotion of Effective Microorganisms (EM) Technology

Woljeejii is the sole agent for Effective Microorganism Technology Research Centers (EMRO) of Japan. EMRO is the international patent holder and has agents in over 100 countries worldwide in all the five continents.

Using franchise system, Woljeejii would establish satellite EM distributing agents at appropriate locations.

2) Establishing collaborative network to promote EM

Woljeejii will work in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and opts to use its network and service. In addition to this, WAI will work closely with universities, with NGOs, farmers’ unions, cooperatives and private traders could be partners in this endeavor.

3) Establishing working relationship with urban administration

Since EM technology is useful for eradicating foul smell and also composting the organic portion of city waste, Woljeejii will establish working arrangement to utilize EM for the production of organic fertilizer and for recycling of solid city waste. It will also link with specialized private or other organizations to promote the use of this environment and user-friendly technology to change the vice into virtue.

4) Linking with research and higher learning institutions

Woljeejii will continue to collaborate with research to explore the diverse potential uses of EM for agriculture, livestock, food processing and environment management. Higher learning institutions will also play important role to generate advocates of “production in harmony with nature”.

5) Establishing EM training and demonstration farm

Woljeejii opts to establish a center where farmers, technical staff and researchers would learn and work on integrated farming using EM technology as a core. Since poultry offers an important input towards the production of one of the most important EM derivatives, Woljeejii has imported a breed “Koakoak” which is free ranging, well suited for the country and tested by the EIAR for its productivity. The poultry farm also generates income. It can be distributed to farmer to improve the productivity of their stock. In time when resource permit, Woljeejii plans to establish a training center on a small farm.